Friday, January 11, 2013

Yoga+ Me = LOVE!!!!

Hey! I find myself with a few minutes before bed tonight to watch some Netflix so I thought "Why not go online and check on everyone?"

I decided against posting daily since life is difficult enough as the mother of a little girl who is turning 5 y.o in just a few weeks, but toss in working 50hr weeks to make some bday money and a boyfriend who wants your attention too. But I did a pretty good job this week of making time for the exercise and eating clean hasnt been TOO difficult. Difficult but not as bad as trying to walk down the steps of my apartment after the Day 2 workout where I felt the need to prove that I wasn't a wimp and was good enough to do the workout 3 times like the Advanced people.

On another note I AM NOT ADVANCED!!!! That was my ego messing with me. I haven't done any strength training in a long time. I only do that if I visit a gym which means ATLEAST 6 months ago. I walk alot and enjoy jogging outside with my music on but that is it for enjoyable exercise. So doing that circuit of 150 squat, 120 lunges per leg, 90 sit ups, 60 wall crunches, and 30 jump around crawl down things. . . (Im bad with names. Sue me!) left me with the knowledge that I must have butter for thighs cause I still close my eyes when I walk down steps. I even pulled a chest muscle. Appearantly having fat on my chest doesn't mean that I can't pull that muscle too...

Can you image what a wierdo I looked like at work. Randomly bending over and trying to stretch out my legs so I can wlak without wincing. Or trying to coverly massage my chest muscle without looking like I am copping a feel. *sigh* I used icy hot each night at bed AFTER taking a long boiling hot bath and massaging the muscles... even with the stretching and gentle exercise my thighs are still outrageously sore.

okay maybe not outrageously, but still sore. So I gave into the horrible workout that I do NOT do because only wimps do this. . . yoga and pilates. After years of laughing though the DVD's and saying that the poses simply do NOTHING for me! I was on the floor stretching my legs because the muscles were so tight I was walking like an old lady. But the grab my toes deal just wasn't getting me loose. So I rolled over onto my hands and knees and immediately wailed- OMG it hurt but it was finally pulling the right muscle! I started gently rocking forward and then pushing back further until my butt reached my feet without pain and my forehead was on the floor. It felt so AMAZING that I pushed onto my toes and raised my butt- ah perfect stretch!

Thats when I realized. . . I was doing Yoga. So I am embarrassed and relieved. Nothing was helping but when I finished 30 minutes of gentle yoga I felt fabulous!!!!! So I will be making time for 20minutes of yoga each morning before work and 20 minutes at night before bed. I will also let the advanced people do the advanced workout.

My summary report for the last week. My armband doesn't give me an option for a 5 day summary report though. But even though I haven't had time to blog I have still been trying to stay on track. I used my cheat day today since I didn't have time to pack a lunch or eat breakfast today but since I have been burning more than 3000 calories per day I don't think one day will hurt. Haven't had time to go near a scale lately but I'm hoping to see a -4lbs on the scale on Monday or Tuesday.

Can't get results if I push too hard and injure myself. So I guess I need to work a little bit smarter and listen to my body more than my ego... :-) g'nite!

Day 5 with Kyda

So I see today's challenge.  Do 10, 20, or 30 squats every hour you are awake.  o_O How the heck am I suppose to pull this off, while I work the floors in the Newborn Nursery? What if a baby is born on my shift?  Well I am 100% committed to the challenge and would have to improvise throughout the day to make it work, even if I have to double up on a few.  Well I woke up at 6am and did my 20 hourly squats upon reading the challenge for today, while brushing my teeth.  GREAT MULTITASKING.  Throughout my day in the Newborn Nursery I excused myself from my colleagues every hour for a "drink of water" or "washroom break" and went to town on my 20 hourly squats.  By evening time 4 or 5pm, I really started to feel the burn.  But its 9pm and and I still have 4 more sets left since I normally go to bed shortly after midnight.  6am - midnight.  In the end that will be 18 sets of 20 squats equaling a grand total of 360 squats.  After this I better have a butt and thighs like Beyonce lol.

The Rest of Today fitness challenge consist of 500 jump rope reps which I did in 6:31 minutes.  100 modified knee pushes, and 100 bicycle crunches.  I finish the complete task in 23:23.  The reason it took so long? Those crazy push-ups.  My upper body was weak after that lol. Since I have been using the Push 0-100 app I have notice a big improve in my form and ability to do the modified knee push-up.  I'll be able to do military push ups in no time :-)

My meals have been similar to meals posted earlier this week so I won't bored you all with the details.  The good thing to note is that I am still eating clean :-).

Well time to get my 9 pm squats in and prepare for tomorrow tasks


Day 4 - Still Going Strong

Today was the Fuel Fit Blazer Challenge.  Which consist of:

25 Prison Squats
10 Push-up side Punch (I modified it on my knees)
10 Jump Squats Step Back
10 Opposites/Opposites (man I had a  hard time keep balance)
20 Hand Walkout Blurpee (Definitely the hardest and most exhausting move today)
25 Crunch Open-Closes
10 Plank Twist (each side)

I did 2 Rounds of the routine listed above.  I ended with 1 round of the Alternate moves listed below:

15 squats
15 Jumping Jacks
15 Modified Knee Push-ups
15 Side leg lifts
15 Crunches
15 Toe touches

Man that was an exhausting workout and I burned like 565 in 35 minutes.  THAT GREAT !!!!

For an extra bonus I meet up with a friend, and we did shoulder lifting and some abs.  We did 5 sets with 8 reps of the following exercises with the following weight listed below:

Front Raises (10-10-10-15-15)
Lateral Raises (12.5-12.5-12.5-12.5-12.5)
Should Press (15-15-15-15-15)
Upright Dumbbell Row (40-40-40-40-40)
Rear Delt Fly (5-5-5-5-5)

It was great to have my sister join us for the shoulder exercises.  I am proud of the dedication she has displayed thusfar to live a healthier lifestyle.  In addition, with my re-dedication to fitness a few months ago, I am really starting to see definition in my upper extremities.  If I keep this up, I will have First Lady arms in no time :-).

Today was a great day for fitness,


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 with Miss Kyda

Today was the Nutrition Challenge.  Task is to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day.  Honestly, this is how I prefer to eat and tend to eat on a typically day.  But being a med students,its hard to know when you have time to eat a meal when you schedule depends on others.  However, today I was in the newborn nursery, which had only three babies, so I was able to eat accordingly to my time schedule.

Meal 1 @ 5:30am - Protein Shake with Boil Egg
Meal 2 @ 8am - Breakfast Quiona
Meal 3 @ 12pm - Vietnamese pork and noodles and banana
Meal 4 @ 3pm - Almonds, carrots and hummus
Meal 5 @ 5pm - Greek Yogurt and Protein&Fiber cereal
Meal 6 @ 8:30pm - Pork medallions with Mushroom and Barley saute and applesauce

Total Calories Consume: 2313
Calories Expended: 600
Net Calories: 1713

Although there was no fitness challenge for today I decided to enjoy a day of Zumba.  Although my legs were tense from the previous challenge, it was good to be active.

In addition, I mad sure to contact some people who I know are taking the challenge and see how there progress is going.  Glad to hear back from a lot of motivated individuals truckin' through their day despite the sore thighs and calves.

So tomorrow is the Fuel Fit Blazer Workout.  I wonder what to expect.


Day 3

I'm going to post early because tonight will be busy for me.

Yesterday was okay but not great. Like many of you may be, I am slightly sore today. But it's weird because my toes hurt the most. Lol don't judge. But I do walk miles every day so it's not too bad. I do need to stretch more. It's important to stretch and drink lots of water everyday. But it will be extra helpful today to get some soreness out.

I don't feel great about yesterday personally so I'm going to push through yesterday's cycles (I'm impatient don't follow me into the dark :-) ) and then hit the pool. It's hot today and it's a great way to get your legs back and it's easy on the joints.


Breakfast: missed (overslept from nap - my sleep patterns are non existent so I grabbed an apple on the way out. Someone give me a wake up call so I can cook breakfast.  I'll love you forever. But seriously I usually don't have a problem getting up in the morning so I need to do better.

Snack: almonds and water

Lunch: buffalo chicken sub on flatbread

Post workout: oatmeal and protein shake

Snack: pineapple, almonds, and water

Dinner: Baked catfish, baked potatoes, boiled corn.

A few house cleaning notes:

Sometimes it's better to not get on the scale every day or look in the mirror every day hoping for change. It won't happen overnight and it will be harder to see because you see yourself everyday.

Protein supplements can help with recovery and burn fat and calories more quickly. But please remember they are supplements not meal replacements. And they don't work if you don't exercise.  But since we are all working our butts off, I am not worried about that :-) .

A good multivitamin is essential for daily health as well. These are just suggestions.  Feel free to ignore me if you'd like just don't give me the finger because I bite lol.

I hope everyone feels as great inside and out as they are. Remember the goal is to be better today than we were yesterday.  Every day. Have a good one.


Gets me through every day

Nutrition Info

I saw this Post on a few days ago and thought it was a great post for Day 3 - the Nutrition Challenge.  Hope you all find this informative


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 2 - With Kyda

When I saw the video for the challenge today I was like ... WTH ...  We doing this workout on day 2???? I am not ready for this.  But then I immediately thought about it, this is a CHALLENGE so it should come HARD.  But I got news for it .... I COME HARDER.

So I did the workout with my Sis and Tina.  We struggled through it but we were committed to complete it.  We did the Beginner circuit.  I think my favorite was the jump squats, mainly for vanity reasons.  I looked like a beast in the mirror, reminding me of my former track and field days :-).  The lunges were a killer.  We have never gotten along. SMH.  The Traveler's Pushes were decent.  I did the modified knee push-ups.  Since I have been doing this PUSH 0-100 app since December I have been seeing a big change in my upper body and chest strength.  Yeah me.

BTW we did not realized there were modified versions for each exercise until after we did our workout lol.  Guess its a good thing because we work our butts off.

So meals for today

Meal 1 - Protein and Spinach shake
Meal 2 - Quiona and Boiled Egg
Meal 3 - Vietnamese pork and noodles
Meal 4 - Greek yogurt, fiber and protein cereal and almonds
Meal 5 - Pork medallions with barley and mushroom saute topped with balsamic vinaigrette and home-made apple sauce.
Meal 6 - Protein Shake and cutie

Calories consume - 2151
Calories expended - 575
Net calories - 1576

Now time to head home and knock these late night Abs out.

Peace out,


Finally someone said it. Goes for athletes too - An Open Letter To Beyoncé: Be Part Of The Solution, Not The Problem


Hey guys,

I am not sure who all is following Ray aka mrshutupandtrain on IG or twitter, but I am.  No lie the Day 2 challenge is a beast.  I got tired from looking at it yet alone perform it.  But I will face that challenge later this evening.  So I know people will definitely need some motivation to get through this one.  Here is the motivational pic he sent through IG.  I Hope everyone have a blast during their workout.  In my Trey Songz voice, "Leggo"

Day 2

Alright!! Day 2 and most of us legs are burning, but thats good.. Hey remember STRETCH, TAKE THE NECESSARY BREAKS, DRINK WATER, REFUEL youself.. Today and everyday is a NO EXCUSE day.. LET'S GET IT.


As I rehab and get my morning walk in, I would just like to say how important it it is to drink water, walk and stay active, and stretch! It will alleviate pain, prevent injuries, and help you become stronger.  Yoga (if you're willing to do it) is a great way to incorporate it all.

day one

day one stats
mile walk: 20.34
knee push ups 2
modified burpees 6.5
single legs 30
body squats 15
dips 2

My stats are a little laughable but i guess i can only get better from here.

food diary

almond butter and jelly shake
chix and rice
pad thai
2 hard boiled eggs

Day 2 - Challenge

Just looked at the challenge for today and it looks intense.  This is why I wanted to make sure I did this challenge with a group of friends to make sure I actually finish it, even when the obstacles before me looks CRAZY.  But I am hitting the gym the evening, with my sister and Tina and whoever else want to join us at 7pm.  Until then, time to get ready and play with some babies at the Nursery.  Hopefully, they are sleeping babies, because I can't deal with crying this early in the morning. #medschoolflow


Monday, January 7, 2013

Day one with Kyda

So today was a little tougher than I was expecting.  Over the weekend I contracted a stomach virus.  Was vomiting a lot, had diarrhea, and was very dehydrated.  Not the perfect way to start off the weekend nor the Cardio Challenge.  Well I consumed a lot of pedialyte and fluids to help me get make into shape.  Although I'm feeling better I'm not at my 100%.  But I made a commitment and I plan to stick it out even if my energy level is only at 75-80% of normal.  I find this challenge important so I will not make excuses.

I am using myfitnesspal (add me, my screen name is squeaklord1517).  My baseline caloric intake is a net of 1750 calories, which also calculate the fact that I am aiming to lose about a pound a week.

So my meals for today

Meal 1 - Breakfast Quiona and boiled egg
Meal 2 - Almond Butter and "Jelly" smoothie
Meal 3 - Vegetarian Shepherd Pie with 1/2 Avocado
Meal 4 - Greek Yogurt with Protein and Fiber Cereal, and 1/4 cups of almonds
Meal 5 - Pork Medallions with home made applesauce and barley-mushroom saute
Meal 6 - Hummus with baby carrots and protein-shake

And at lest 12 cups of water throughout the day

Total calories consume = 2283
Calories Burned = 605
Net calories = 1678

I did my workout with Tina and Savannah.  We did good girls.  Now here are my stats for the Baseline Assessment.

1 Mile Jog - 12 minutes and 5 secs
Crawl Down Push-ups - 6
Blurpees - 12
Single Leg Toe Touches - 27
Body Squats - 25
Triceps Dips - 19

Jog an extra .5 miles

I surprised myself with these stats especially the blurpees.  Definitely can't wait to see what will happen after the challenge is completed..

Day One started off good. I am very Exhausted.  I don't recall being this exhausted after a R.I.P.P.E.D. workout, and That is INTENSE.  I think it had a lot to do with the jog. Boy do I hate running.  But no excuses over here.  I'm ready to make my biggest weaknesses, into something much stronger.

Well Day One is in a Wrap,


Day 1

How is everyone feeling today? Hopefully you feel great by taking the step to get started and go after what you want. Honestly today was rough for me because I'm rehabbing and didn't have the greatest day eating. But more importantly I got everything done and am glad to see you all starting off well. I don't really take many pictures of myself but I did post my before picture. Work in progress :-)

As far as food today:

Breakfast - Pot pie (I overslept. Don't judge me. Lol. I will be better tomorrow)

Snack - apple and water

Late lunch (very late) - salad and water

Snack - almonds and water

Dinner - Baked chicken, brown rice, boiled rice

After workout - protein shake

Snack - water and almonds

This is definitely down from what I usually eat and breakfast set me back.

I was glad to finish the baseline assessment but disappointed in my performance.  This just means I need to work that much harder every single day.

Below are my results:

Mile (run/walk intervals) 10:35
Crawl down push ups 10
Burpees (not a fan lol) 12
Single leg toe touches 25
Body squats 21
Dips 25

I can't stress enough how it important it is to encourage each while holding each other accountable. But please don't try to compare yourself to others. It only gets you too low or too high. It is important to just get better every day and give a full effort. No one can take that away.

Please feel free to add suggestions and comments.  I appreciate it and am thankful for everyone participating.  You are all wonderful and I hope that you feel that way about yourselves. Have a good evening.

Too damn fatt

My name is Savannah. I am participating in the 30 day cardio challenge as a means to jump start my goal to loss 130lbs. While losing weight or health concerns is a part of why i'm want to drop these pounds, I am mainly losing weight for vanity purposes. I 'm tried or shopping in the plus size section and never finding anything cute. BTW girdles are so freaking uncomfortable :-/

Day 1 with Nayia

Good Morning! I just finished my first workout and was having breakfast before I wake my family and I thought I would check in and encourage everyone to find time for fitness today.

My busy day with work and home life has been my excuse for why I don't exercise. The better reason is that I don't like waking at 5am to exercise ESPECIALLY in the winter time when I don't have a gym membership! But I do like walking- just not when it is cold. I think my results probably show it because I didn't have an issue with doing the hands over head body squats but was mumbling "ohmygod!" after each tricep dip after #3

1. One mile jog- 12min49sec
2. Crawl Down Push Up- 6
3. Burpee's- 6
4. Single Leg Toe Touch- 18
5. Body Squats- 18
6. Tricep Dips- 11

My Food Plan Today
Breakfast 6am
whole wheat toast

Snack 9am
Green Tea

Lunch 12pm
Greek Yogurt

Snack 3pm
Oatmeal with cinnamon
Skim milk

Dinner 6pm
baked chicken
whole wheat penne with homemade tomato sauce and garlic

After work I will have to stop for more fresh fruits to eat as a snack at work since things get crazy and it is easier to eat snacks where you can grab a bite and walk away. Anything more is likely to cause issues since you stay pretty busy- which is why I burn about 3000 calories at work!

Good luck to everyone today and feel free to offer suggestions on clean eating- it isn't something I know very much about even though I researched for hours (-_-) drinking water instead of my sugar free drink mixes is going to be a challenge too!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Why I'm Doing This: LaBi

Hello! My name is LaBianca. I am a 23 year old medical student at Loyola in Chicago. Since age 11, I've been an overweight to obese girl. In my young childhood, I was very active and I think that contributed to my small weight back in those days. But something changed once I hit puberty. My eating habits have never been that great. I was introduced to fast food at a young age and it's a habit that is hard to shake. Also, growing up in the South where fried foods, butter, and sugar are a way of life did not help my weight either. At my highest weight (which was my senior year in high school), I was about 240 pounds (18-20 pants size) and my lowest at 185 (last September). I will have a more accurate weigh in tomorrow, but my current weight is around 190 (12 pants size). Since mid-college years, I have been decreasing my portions and trying to exercise more often. I entered medical school at around 210 pounds. I got down to my current weight in the last year by going to the gym regularly and eating healthier (most of the time).

So, why I am doing the 30 day challenge? Well, I feel like I've hit a standstill as far as losing weight with my previous methods and I want to work harder to get to my goal weight of 160 pounds by the end of this year. To think that in a year and 6 months I lost 20 lbs by exercise at an average of 3 days a week, cutting out sodas, and decreasing portions, leads me to believe that if I push myself a little harder then I will get to my goal in no time at all. Those who are medical students in our group can attest to the difficulty of our schedules and how it's much easier to bypass the gym due to our limited time and pump ourselves full of sugary drinks to keep awake for late night studying. But I want to start 2013 and possibly one of the hardest semesters in my medical school career being healthy and taking care of my mind AND body. So, I am asking you all that are joining me on this journey to please encourage me and I will do the same.

Let's get ready to rumble, DAY 1 TOMORROW!!


Meet Nayia :D

Hi I'm LaNayia. I'm a 24 year old mother and life gets hectic. That was my main reason for allowing myself to continue gaining weight until I reached about 232lbs last summer.Then I decided it was time for me to stop putting every member of my family before myself. With small changes I've been able to lose 40lbs over about 5months.

Now it is a new year and I am excited about making even more changes in my life, so when I saw this challenge I was SUPER excited. Until I realized I was expected to "Eat Clean". I didn't know what that meant but it sounded scary. After a few hours of research I decided it didn't sound like the end of the world and that a change might not be as bad as I thought especially with 3 cheat days to help me through the process.

The whole thing will be a difficult process for me. I lost the first 40lbs by eating less junk food and eating healthier at the start of my day but that generally just meant having oatmeal and bacon for breakfast and soup at lunch but having a burger at dinner time. Eating less processed food will be different. Not having soda will be a change and daily workouts will mean me waking at 4-5am to make sure I actually do it. But I have created my meal plan and pulled out the lunch bags and I am as ready as I can be for tomorrow morning.

Jan. 6 Stats
Age: 24years
Height: 5"4'
Weight: 192lbs
BMI: 33

Bust: 41 in
Chest: 36 in
Waist: 40 in
Hips: 45 in
Thigh: 28in
Calve: 16.75 in
Forearm: 11.5 in
Bicep: 13.5in

I use a bodymedia armband to track my activity and calorie burn. Since it syncs to MyFitnessPal (caramelangel247) whenever I charge I don't bother the cardio section since I don't want to make the numbers incorrect. But with work+ exercise I easily burn 3500 calories in a day but only about 2400 calories on the weekend (IF I EXERCISE!). I use to sync with my armband as well. I earn points each day for my calorie burn and you use the pts to get rewards. From what I have noticed its mostly like getting awesome coupons. Not a ton of free stuff but saving $25 on a $35 shirt is good enough reason for me to keep using the site :D just spreading the word (cause I get 100pts for friends when they exercise which I know we will all be doing!)

I can't wait to start tomorrow! 100% commitment!!!!


And we're off....

This weeks overview and tomorrow's workout have been emailed out to those who signed up. If you didn't receive it, I will gladly forward it to you. It's important to plan exercise time and meals beforehand in order to be successful. Let's be great.

Scales are helpful indicators but please remember weight is just gravity and muscle weighs more than fat. Take measurements and weekly photos to track progress. 


I just want to say a few things.  I am ready to go and I hope every one else is as well. I am glad and inspired to see so many beautiful people take control of their lives and take thw step towards living healthier lives. And most importantly we are in this together. Let's help each other up, hold each other accountable, and celebrate our successes in our goals. Have a great day and week.

Nakyda's weight in

So the challenge starts tomorrow.  I thought it would be important for me to do a weigh in and see where I start off at, so I can appreciate how far I have come along after the 30 days.


Weight: 195 pounds
Height: 5' 7''
BMI: 30.5
Biceps: 13 inches
Bust:  41 inches
Band: 31.5 inches
Waist: 33.5 inches
Belly: 38 inches
Hips: 44.5 inches
Thighs: 28 inches
Calves: 17 inches

In addition, I love my body but I am not naive.  I know I have many imperfections but they are my imperfections.  During this process I am hoping to start eliminating 5 people from my life.  This includes:

1) Big Bertha, the Bulging Belly
2) Larry Love Handle
3) The Spare Tire Firestone
4) Roll'anda
5) Pillsbury

I know I won't totally eliminate them in the next 30 days but I can make a huge impact to decrease their existence in my life.

Add me on myfitnesspal.  My screen name is squeaklord1517

Well let the games begin.

I, Nakyda Dean agree to fully commit to the 30 Day Cardio Challenge, and it's 3 main pillars of clean eating, active lifestyle, and positive-progressive thinking.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Nakyda's Intro

My name is Nakyda Dean.  A quick bio about me.  I am a third year medical student in my home city, Chicago, IL.  As a aspiring physician I know more than the average joe on the importance of healthy living.  During my training, I am constantly reminded of the adverse health problems associated with unhealthy living.  Despite this growing knowledge, I have not been doing all I could do to live my best.

Why am I doing the challenge?  In late November I was doing some reflecting and realized there were things in my life that I felt I needed to improve.  In each of these areas I reached out to old friends, who seem to have my weakness as their strength and devised a plan to work on these target areas.  One area was my health and fitness. Although I workout frequently 4-5 times weekly, committing to healthy eating was hard.  I would do well for a 2 weeks then fail, do well for another couple weeks and fail, and repeat the cycle over and over again.  In addition, I wanted to get back into weight training.  Most of my workouts considers of hourly cardio group classes.  Then I got in contact with my guy Chris Cole, who has been a great motivator as I aim to obtain a healthier lifestyle.  He actually introduced me to the 30 day cardio challenge and I have been spreading the word every since.  I am doing the 30 day cardio challenge, to take a major step in living a healthier lifestyle.  I'm the type of girl who loves a challenge.  All my life I have been breaking barriers no one expect was possible(with the grace of God of course).  I particularly like this one because the overall focus is to live healthy.  Not just weight loss or temporary dieting or losing belly fat or gain muscle strength.  Its about taking the right steps to form new habits and convert them to healthy living.  And thats what it should be about.

So I am 100% COMMITTED to the challenge.  It might be tough.  But if I gave up eating sweets on Nov 26th, 2012 and haven't been craving ice cream, cookies, cake, donuts, ............ and the lists go on and on, I have the power and determination to make it through the the next 30 days.

Ray says "Results don't start until you do."   Well let the show begins.


Making the Commitment

Hello everyone,

This is a blog we have created to motivate one another as well as others as we embark Ray Grayson's 30 day Cardio Challenge.    We are all 100% COMMITTED to the challenge which begins on January 7th, 2013.   So what is the Cardio Challenge?  Quoting Ray "The Cardio Challenge is initially a program to get 1 million plus people to live healthier and happier lives across the globe. It consists of nutrition challenges, killer workouts, and motivational emails to get you fired up ..."  For those looking for more information we encourage you to check out

Obtaining a banging body like Hallie Berry, Beyonce, Lance Gross, Shemar Moore, would be great, however, we are not solely interested in improving our bodies.  This is a beginning of better lifestyle changes.  This mean learning to make better food choices, eating smaller portion sizes, increasing daily physical activity.  We are taking action to better our health, and decrease our risks of health disease later in life.  We aim to be stronger mentally and physically. 

We all have unique starting point.  Some exercise daily, others haven't in a long time.  Some concentrate on weight lifting, others on cardio.  Some already eat healthy, others do not.  Some very health conscious and knowledgeable and others are not.  Although we all have different beginnings, we have made the commitment to BETTER OUR BEST, and take the 30 day Cardio Challenge.  There is still time to join us in the challange by signing up at For the Next Month follow us transform our mind, body, and spirits to a healthier lifestyle while motivating one another along the way.

Thank you,