Friday, January 11, 2013

Yoga+ Me = LOVE!!!!

Hey! I find myself with a few minutes before bed tonight to watch some Netflix so I thought "Why not go online and check on everyone?"

I decided against posting daily since life is difficult enough as the mother of a little girl who is turning 5 y.o in just a few weeks, but toss in working 50hr weeks to make some bday money and a boyfriend who wants your attention too. But I did a pretty good job this week of making time for the exercise and eating clean hasnt been TOO difficult. Difficult but not as bad as trying to walk down the steps of my apartment after the Day 2 workout where I felt the need to prove that I wasn't a wimp and was good enough to do the workout 3 times like the Advanced people.

On another note I AM NOT ADVANCED!!!! That was my ego messing with me. I haven't done any strength training in a long time. I only do that if I visit a gym which means ATLEAST 6 months ago. I walk alot and enjoy jogging outside with my music on but that is it for enjoyable exercise. So doing that circuit of 150 squat, 120 lunges per leg, 90 sit ups, 60 wall crunches, and 30 jump around crawl down things. . . (Im bad with names. Sue me!) left me with the knowledge that I must have butter for thighs cause I still close my eyes when I walk down steps. I even pulled a chest muscle. Appearantly having fat on my chest doesn't mean that I can't pull that muscle too...

Can you image what a wierdo I looked like at work. Randomly bending over and trying to stretch out my legs so I can wlak without wincing. Or trying to coverly massage my chest muscle without looking like I am copping a feel. *sigh* I used icy hot each night at bed AFTER taking a long boiling hot bath and massaging the muscles... even with the stretching and gentle exercise my thighs are still outrageously sore.

okay maybe not outrageously, but still sore. So I gave into the horrible workout that I do NOT do because only wimps do this. . . yoga and pilates. After years of laughing though the DVD's and saying that the poses simply do NOTHING for me! I was on the floor stretching my legs because the muscles were so tight I was walking like an old lady. But the grab my toes deal just wasn't getting me loose. So I rolled over onto my hands and knees and immediately wailed- OMG it hurt but it was finally pulling the right muscle! I started gently rocking forward and then pushing back further until my butt reached my feet without pain and my forehead was on the floor. It felt so AMAZING that I pushed onto my toes and raised my butt- ah perfect stretch!

Thats when I realized. . . I was doing Yoga. So I am embarrassed and relieved. Nothing was helping but when I finished 30 minutes of gentle yoga I felt fabulous!!!!! So I will be making time for 20minutes of yoga each morning before work and 20 minutes at night before bed. I will also let the advanced people do the advanced workout.

My summary report for the last week. My armband doesn't give me an option for a 5 day summary report though. But even though I haven't had time to blog I have still been trying to stay on track. I used my cheat day today since I didn't have time to pack a lunch or eat breakfast today but since I have been burning more than 3000 calories per day I don't think one day will hurt. Haven't had time to go near a scale lately but I'm hoping to see a -4lbs on the scale on Monday or Tuesday.

Can't get results if I push too hard and injure myself. So I guess I need to work a little bit smarter and listen to my body more than my ego... :-) g'nite!

Day 5 with Kyda

So I see today's challenge.  Do 10, 20, or 30 squats every hour you are awake.  o_O How the heck am I suppose to pull this off, while I work the floors in the Newborn Nursery? What if a baby is born on my shift?  Well I am 100% committed to the challenge and would have to improvise throughout the day to make it work, even if I have to double up on a few.  Well I woke up at 6am and did my 20 hourly squats upon reading the challenge for today, while brushing my teeth.  GREAT MULTITASKING.  Throughout my day in the Newborn Nursery I excused myself from my colleagues every hour for a "drink of water" or "washroom break" and went to town on my 20 hourly squats.  By evening time 4 or 5pm, I really started to feel the burn.  But its 9pm and and I still have 4 more sets left since I normally go to bed shortly after midnight.  6am - midnight.  In the end that will be 18 sets of 20 squats equaling a grand total of 360 squats.  After this I better have a butt and thighs like Beyonce lol.

The Rest of Today fitness challenge consist of 500 jump rope reps which I did in 6:31 minutes.  100 modified knee pushes, and 100 bicycle crunches.  I finish the complete task in 23:23.  The reason it took so long? Those crazy push-ups.  My upper body was weak after that lol. Since I have been using the Push 0-100 app I have notice a big improve in my form and ability to do the modified knee push-up.  I'll be able to do military push ups in no time :-)

My meals have been similar to meals posted earlier this week so I won't bored you all with the details.  The good thing to note is that I am still eating clean :-).

Well time to get my 9 pm squats in and prepare for tomorrow tasks


Day 4 - Still Going Strong

Today was the Fuel Fit Blazer Challenge.  Which consist of:

25 Prison Squats
10 Push-up side Punch (I modified it on my knees)
10 Jump Squats Step Back
10 Opposites/Opposites (man I had a  hard time keep balance)
20 Hand Walkout Blurpee (Definitely the hardest and most exhausting move today)
25 Crunch Open-Closes
10 Plank Twist (each side)

I did 2 Rounds of the routine listed above.  I ended with 1 round of the Alternate moves listed below:

15 squats
15 Jumping Jacks
15 Modified Knee Push-ups
15 Side leg lifts
15 Crunches
15 Toe touches

Man that was an exhausting workout and I burned like 565 in 35 minutes.  THAT GREAT !!!!

For an extra bonus I meet up with a friend, and we did shoulder lifting and some abs.  We did 5 sets with 8 reps of the following exercises with the following weight listed below:

Front Raises (10-10-10-15-15)
Lateral Raises (12.5-12.5-12.5-12.5-12.5)
Should Press (15-15-15-15-15)
Upright Dumbbell Row (40-40-40-40-40)
Rear Delt Fly (5-5-5-5-5)

It was great to have my sister join us for the shoulder exercises.  I am proud of the dedication she has displayed thusfar to live a healthier lifestyle.  In addition, with my re-dedication to fitness a few months ago, I am really starting to see definition in my upper extremities.  If I keep this up, I will have First Lady arms in no time :-).

Today was a great day for fitness,


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3 with Miss Kyda

Today was the Nutrition Challenge.  Task is to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day.  Honestly, this is how I prefer to eat and tend to eat on a typically day.  But being a med students,its hard to know when you have time to eat a meal when you schedule depends on others.  However, today I was in the newborn nursery, which had only three babies, so I was able to eat accordingly to my time schedule.

Meal 1 @ 5:30am - Protein Shake with Boil Egg
Meal 2 @ 8am - Breakfast Quiona
Meal 3 @ 12pm - Vietnamese pork and noodles and banana
Meal 4 @ 3pm - Almonds, carrots and hummus
Meal 5 @ 5pm - Greek Yogurt and Protein&Fiber cereal
Meal 6 @ 8:30pm - Pork medallions with Mushroom and Barley saute and applesauce

Total Calories Consume: 2313
Calories Expended: 600
Net Calories: 1713

Although there was no fitness challenge for today I decided to enjoy a day of Zumba.  Although my legs were tense from the previous challenge, it was good to be active.

In addition, I mad sure to contact some people who I know are taking the challenge and see how there progress is going.  Glad to hear back from a lot of motivated individuals truckin' through their day despite the sore thighs and calves.

So tomorrow is the Fuel Fit Blazer Workout.  I wonder what to expect.


Day 3

I'm going to post early because tonight will be busy for me.

Yesterday was okay but not great. Like many of you may be, I am slightly sore today. But it's weird because my toes hurt the most. Lol don't judge. But I do walk miles every day so it's not too bad. I do need to stretch more. It's important to stretch and drink lots of water everyday. But it will be extra helpful today to get some soreness out.

I don't feel great about yesterday personally so I'm going to push through yesterday's cycles (I'm impatient don't follow me into the dark :-) ) and then hit the pool. It's hot today and it's a great way to get your legs back and it's easy on the joints.


Breakfast: missed (overslept from nap - my sleep patterns are non existent so I grabbed an apple on the way out. Someone give me a wake up call so I can cook breakfast.  I'll love you forever. But seriously I usually don't have a problem getting up in the morning so I need to do better.

Snack: almonds and water

Lunch: buffalo chicken sub on flatbread

Post workout: oatmeal and protein shake

Snack: pineapple, almonds, and water

Dinner: Baked catfish, baked potatoes, boiled corn.

A few house cleaning notes:

Sometimes it's better to not get on the scale every day or look in the mirror every day hoping for change. It won't happen overnight and it will be harder to see because you see yourself everyday.

Protein supplements can help with recovery and burn fat and calories more quickly. But please remember they are supplements not meal replacements. And they don't work if you don't exercise.  But since we are all working our butts off, I am not worried about that :-) .

A good multivitamin is essential for daily health as well. These are just suggestions.  Feel free to ignore me if you'd like just don't give me the finger because I bite lol.

I hope everyone feels as great inside and out as they are. Remember the goal is to be better today than we were yesterday.  Every day. Have a good one.


Gets me through every day

Nutrition Info

I saw this Post on a few days ago and thought it was a great post for Day 3 - the Nutrition Challenge.  Hope you all find this informative
