Sunday, January 6, 2013

Why I'm Doing This: LaBi

Hello! My name is LaBianca. I am a 23 year old medical student at Loyola in Chicago. Since age 11, I've been an overweight to obese girl. In my young childhood, I was very active and I think that contributed to my small weight back in those days. But something changed once I hit puberty. My eating habits have never been that great. I was introduced to fast food at a young age and it's a habit that is hard to shake. Also, growing up in the South where fried foods, butter, and sugar are a way of life did not help my weight either. At my highest weight (which was my senior year in high school), I was about 240 pounds (18-20 pants size) and my lowest at 185 (last September). I will have a more accurate weigh in tomorrow, but my current weight is around 190 (12 pants size). Since mid-college years, I have been decreasing my portions and trying to exercise more often. I entered medical school at around 210 pounds. I got down to my current weight in the last year by going to the gym regularly and eating healthier (most of the time).

So, why I am doing the 30 day challenge? Well, I feel like I've hit a standstill as far as losing weight with my previous methods and I want to work harder to get to my goal weight of 160 pounds by the end of this year. To think that in a year and 6 months I lost 20 lbs by exercise at an average of 3 days a week, cutting out sodas, and decreasing portions, leads me to believe that if I push myself a little harder then I will get to my goal in no time at all. Those who are medical students in our group can attest to the difficulty of our schedules and how it's much easier to bypass the gym due to our limited time and pump ourselves full of sugary drinks to keep awake for late night studying. But I want to start 2013 and possibly one of the hardest semesters in my medical school career being healthy and taking care of my mind AND body. So, I am asking you all that are joining me on this journey to please encourage me and I will do the same.

Let's get ready to rumble, DAY 1 TOMORROW!!


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