Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 3

I'm going to post early because tonight will be busy for me.

Yesterday was okay but not great. Like many of you may be, I am slightly sore today. But it's weird because my toes hurt the most. Lol don't judge. But I do walk miles every day so it's not too bad. I do need to stretch more. It's important to stretch and drink lots of water everyday. But it will be extra helpful today to get some soreness out.

I don't feel great about yesterday personally so I'm going to push through yesterday's cycles (I'm impatient don't follow me into the dark :-) ) and then hit the pool. It's hot today and it's a great way to get your legs back and it's easy on the joints.


Breakfast: missed (overslept from nap - my sleep patterns are non existent so I grabbed an apple on the way out. Someone give me a wake up call so I can cook breakfast.  I'll love you forever. But seriously I usually don't have a problem getting up in the morning so I need to do better.

Snack: almonds and water

Lunch: buffalo chicken sub on flatbread

Post workout: oatmeal and protein shake

Snack: pineapple, almonds, and water

Dinner: Baked catfish, baked potatoes, boiled corn.

A few house cleaning notes:

Sometimes it's better to not get on the scale every day or look in the mirror every day hoping for change. It won't happen overnight and it will be harder to see because you see yourself everyday.

Protein supplements can help with recovery and burn fat and calories more quickly. But please remember they are supplements not meal replacements. And they don't work if you don't exercise.  But since we are all working our butts off, I am not worried about that :-) .

A good multivitamin is essential for daily health as well. These are just suggestions.  Feel free to ignore me if you'd like just don't give me the finger because I bite lol.

I hope everyone feels as great inside and out as they are. Remember the goal is to be better today than we were yesterday.  Every day. Have a good one.


  1. "Don't give you the finger, cuz you bite back" LOL . that gave me a good laugh after coming from a long day at the Nursery. But yeah those are some good tips. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

  2. :-) Having lost 40lbs I can say I STILL barely recognize the changes in my body and size. The only way I notice a change is I try to take a picture of myself every -10 to -15lbs and when I place them side by side I can see the change. But even though I lost 2 pants sizes and clothes were saggin badly- still barely see a difference in the mirror.
